4:22 PM

We Weren't Allowed To See Pictures Of Troop Caskets, But Can See Insurgents Blow Themselves Up! HMMMM

By J-One Royal Fam

I would like to know which is worse to show at 11:30 in the morning....this:

Or this:

What the hell is going on!?!

This is what I mentioned I was looking for in the last post. I am disturbed, shocked and appalled that I had to witness this on my daily news channel surf.

My post from last week talked about how some conservative parents did not want their children to go to school the day President Obama was set to give a speech, for fear of socialistic indoctrination. Could these parents be the same parents who are being indoctrinated by this deliberate, insensitive and inappropriate display of desensitisation? I could see if this was a prime time to late night news documentary with a viewer discretion warning attached...but when I saw it, it was about 11:25 in the morning eastern time.

Like the last post...somebody needs justification for countless and needless deaths overseas. First, it was by default (September 11th anniversary). Then by tape (Bin Laden). Now by blatant displays of graphic violence on network news in the middle of the day. Of course the next thing that was talked about was health care and race and blah blah blah. I know that President Obama's administration lifted the ban on images of "caskets" bearing dead troops, but is this the result of that freedom?

I obviously am using my right to free speech to create and post my view on this blog, but I use a little tool called: DECENCY!! I don't want my right to free speech, nor any right that I have for that matter, to be limited. But, every right has a responsibility and it seems that the mainstream media is not accepting of that responsibility now more than ever. I'm not just attacking Fox News (though they set themselves up for it everyday), I'm attacking everyone who on TV considers themselves a journalist. This is getting ridiculous, and no one is holding them accountable.

For the first time in my young life, I have never felt so used, abused and manipulated like a drunk girl at a prom after-party. I give my country credit, as does everyone else, that my government is doing what it does to protect and serve ME! But, what are they doing to protect the way I think about the world? What are they doing to protect my families financial standing? What are they doing to promote good values and order? Well from the past 23 years that I have been living...NOTHING!

When I was in high school, I got sent to detention because I asked if Hitler may have thought that he was doing the right thing and didn't stop asking until I got an answer. I didn't even care about the world around me then. It was just eating me up that history was one sided. I was told I was being disruptive to the class and sent away. That was in school. What do you think would happen if I said that NOW??
It is apparent that someone is making trillions from the war, economic crisis, health care and any other important issue that is making people misguidedly stand up for themselves and their country. So instead of worrying about who is going to pay for the reforms that we need...how about we get back the money that was taken from us and given to the pockets of a few? (Money doesn't disappear...it just changes hands.)
A lot of people say that this is a Christian nation yet no one acts Christ like. Our elected officials who are supposed to be the representation of our state and country are corrupt fornicators. We have the highest crime rate in the world. We don't even want to have a health care system that wants to take care of everyone regardless of their financial status, income or situation. This doesn't sound Christ like to me.

What does any of this have to do with what I saw this morning, you may ask. Everything!!
We don't know how to think for ourselves anymore. We allow ourselves to be instinctively manipulated by images, keywords, colors of people skin and financial status'. We "speak out", yet don't know what we are talking about. We "listen", but don't know what to listen for. We "act", but don't know who, what and why we act. That video was supposed to trigger an insensitive response in your brain and body to say: "HAHA....Those stupid insurgents killed themselves...I'm glad it wasn't our troops!" But that was just one bomb out of may that will be planted and go off today.

You are being shown what "they" want you to see in order to get a response that "they" will reap the benefits of. Who are "they"...I'm not gonna tell you! You need to "First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will clearly see how to extract the straw that is in your brother's eye." We all know this quote....because we are a Christian nation...right???

Open Your Eyes...That's What They're For!!! - My quote!
J.R. Junior Says:

The desensitizing, as you write, has been going on since the inception of the television. Through the years, the images of sex and violence have become an intrinsically part of the “hell-a-vision”--as someone recently expressed to me--experience. Daily, we are fed these images to numb us to it connotations--that being promiscuousness and violence are a normal part of life and our existences.

With this, reiterating the fact that we are by nature selfish, we are desensitized to the point where the target of the violence must be some outward entity. If the violence is directed towards the “hero” or “star” of the movie, sitcom, or even cartoon, it is viewed as an aggressive act upon the viewer, since we are so invested in the character.

The reason that the images of the returning caskets were banned was to ensure that the American public, after seeing the steady influx of American bodies during “Vietnam”, would not become emotional as a reaction to the aggressive acts towards themselves, since we were so invested in the lives of the American troops sent to a far-off land to protect the United States’ interests. The idea was to never again have a nation of people acting emotionally opposing America’s aggressive acts towards others.

So, the images of the “enemies” or “bad guys” in this real world reality show, War On Terrorism, only excites it’s viewers when they are blown up, shot, and shredded to pieces. So, the media knowing this, will only feed images of the bad guy getting his due, which winds up being a great tool in coaxing the public to pick the side of the hero. Thus, it is not an issue of propaganda; but, it is used as a contrivance of propaganda. In the world of Network News Hollywood and the media-industrial complex (lol… I threw that in just for you J-One), it is a better script to present to the masses, all while gaining the hearts of their friends within the government and turning a huge profit from ratings.

This is not to say that the powers that be within the government do not lean on the networks; the mere fact that the broadcasting of returning caskets was banned shows that the government’s agenda is forced upon the networks. As long as we see that the enemy is killing himself--or we are killing the enemy--and the enemy is not killing us, we continue to support the war or express no concern either way. Until it is shown that we, too, are being blown into pieces, we will remain quiet and absorb the great joy of watching lesser mortals’ body parts fly towards the screens that serve as a screen to keep us detached from actual happenings within it. In Vietnam, the images were on the tube (we can hardly use that term nowadays) often, and people grew tired of seeing their brothers, sons, fathers, cousins, and friends decrepit or dead. Now, we see the brothers, fathers, sons cousins, and friends of people who we view as enemies decrepit or dead; and, it is okay. Why? Because, that hides the fact that OUR brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, cousins, and friends are decrepit or dead! Wake Up & Smell The B.S.

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