8:48 PM 2 comments

Coup De Tea Party Pt. 1

By J-One Royal Fam

Setting the stage to be able to understand how this is a form of self mutilation by our government is going to be fairly easy. Think back over one year ago when the lamest of the "lame duck" presidents was leaving office. An overwhelming majority of people were relieved that "neo"-America was coming to an end and "change" was on the horizon. To another group, on the other hand, this was the beginning of the end. The gravest travesty that nation has ever known, a BLACK president with a weird last name, talking about redistribution of wealth during the worst economic "crisis" since the great depression. Something had to change in the white house. Something had to change in Washington. Thus, the birth of the tea party movement!

In their defense, though I feel that most of them need none, this was actually a grassroots movement to let Washington know that people are watching what they do. Now they are a national "right-wing" phenomenon with celebrities like Sarah Palin and whole news organizations like 666 (Fox) News who have their back. Then something bad happened, one of them crashes a small plane into an IRS building. In the press, they didn't actually call him a tea party member but those of you who are seem to not know the origins of the Boston Tea Party.

To make a long story short, a group of "patriots" dressed up as native-Americans (which has its own implications), destroyed a merchant vessel full of "taxed" tea from Britain. The reason there was so much animosity against Britain at the time was because the colonists were trying to get away from the religious and financial oppression and start over. Britain, who was still very much involved with the colonization, didn't like how independent they were becoming and wanted to make sure they still payed what they "owed" to the King. The "tea party" as it was aptly named is and is only about, repealing unfair and oppressing taxes.

In essence, Joe Stack, is technically a Tea Partier"! He was a tax protester, as they are branding him in the media, who was so passionate about his ongoing feud with the infamous IRS, he took extreme, terroristic measures to make sure his voice was heard. This led me to the conclusion that the government is trying to forcefully shut the mouths of any "real" grassroots alternative movement or organization.

Check my logic: Last year, our country got rid of the closest thing to the Nazi regime since the Ku-Klux-Klan. I say this because president Bush was recreating history of the mid-twentieth century with such actions as preemptive wars, destruction of civil liberties with the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act, and blatant disrespect of our constitution. We remedy this with a man with the message of hope and the first black president of the United States. As most of the country was rejoicing, some folks from other parts of the country were not so enthused. Grassroot movements were starting to gain traction across America, the most publicised being the Tea Party movement. Granted, president Obama has not been on top of most, if not all, the financial decisions being made in Washington. Most of these decisions are not good for the country and is leading us into either another crisis, or creating another one down the road. None the less, there is a great divide forming within our nation with this political movement at the forefront.

What everyone need to understand at this point is that the Tea Party movement started to gain the wrong national attention. The dying republican party needed to find a new stronger base and took the tea party message as their own. 666 News was sponsoring televised events. Right-wing celebrities joined hand in hand are enabling this manipulated message. Now, the movement is not grassroots anymore. They are a fully funded, organized, hybrid, reincarnation of the republican party. Finally, a "tax protester" flies a plane into an IRS building because he is distraught over his battle with said named institution.

The ramifications of this are, without you knowing it, the government took out one of its biggest adversaries and transformed it into a new, hybrid, grassroots, political party. Then, purged anybody who wasn't going to stay with their new message. To finally, use the old plane in a building, terroristic "M.O.", to scare anyone with any type of anti-government talk to shut there mouths or be tied to this "deranged tax protester"!

If you are a tea party member and you spread any other message than unfair, oppressive taxes, you are most likely a libertarian and might need to change your political affinity. If you are an outspoken critic of the government and global affairs such as myself, we can either put up or shut up. There is obviously more at stake here then the infiltration of the Tea Party movement and "tax protesters" committing domestic terrorism. I will go into it more at a later date, but until that time:

Open You Eyes... That's What They're For!!!
9:11 PM 1 comments

The Truth About Gay Marriage & Abortion

By J.R. Junior

The debates over gay marriage and abortion is not a question of what is morally right or wrong, yet we often hear one side's continuous usage of the term American values. First, we must realize what these people mean when they say American values. Values has been twisted to mean what IS morally right. This gives the impression that if you are an opponent of these so-called values you are against what is morally right. American has come to mean "of the United States of America." This, too, has been intentionally manipulated. America, on a global scale, is nothing more than a corporation operating throughout the entire planet. Every maneuver is strictly for the purpose of elevating the economy of America above other corporations of the world to improve the luxuries of the owners of the corporation and shareholders; the owners being members of the Federal Reserve, and the shareholders being those who stand to benefit or perceived to benefit from the excellence of the corporation (shareholder=you). Considering this, values actually means monetary or material worth, as in commerce or trade. So, if you side with the "American values" argument you are pledging that you are concerned with the worth of America in an economic system--not morally.

When applied to the war waged against gay marriage and abortion, your stance is toward raising the value of America economically. For money to be put into the system and increase profitability, there needs to be more citizens to in-debt and extract tax dollars and labor to run the global machine from. By standing against abortion, you side with the owners of the country who see an increase in workers/consumers as an increase in taxes paid to them since the owners are paid through taxes and interest from loans.

Siding against gay marriage is no different. Two individuals filing taxes as single will, generally, pay more than a couple filing jointly. If the millions of homosexuals of the nation are allowed to file jointly, the salaries of the owners will decrease, because less taxes will be paid to them. This decreases the corporation's total worth or value.

So, be apprehensive of manipulators who twist the meaning of words and spin facts to appeal to the humanitarian within you. You may have the common goal--denying gays the right to marry and women the right to choose to abort--but your motives are completely different. They are using your desire for what is morally right (to you) to help them push agenda that is morally wrong. This is like your neighbor offering to take your child to school, because he feels the child needs to attend school. You probably would agree with him. But, what if he needed your child to attend school that day to increase casualties from the explosion he planned to set off? If these people have deceived you for this long into following them based on these issues, what else are they lying about? They are leading you astray. Don't follow or support these maleficent people... No telling where we'll end up. Wake Up & Smell The B.S.