All Men Are Dogs; Women Are Bitches!
A few days ago, I took my cousin's dog out for a little walk. Somewhere in between the short stints of urination, I began to wonder what it is like to be a domestic animal. The dog I was controlling by way of tugs on a leash lives in an apartment. He has as much food as he wants to eat and is protected from the elements. Without effort, he has everything he needs to survive.
But, the dog is missing so much. The dog is not free. The dog is held captive by a species claiming to be the most intelligent of all earthlings. So, human supremacy gives us the idea that this dog is inferior. We see no problem in confining him in an area of only a few hundred square feet; only allowed to leave for short periods to expel waste as so not to ruin his owner's living quarters. Periods of play are scheduled for the dog around the work schedule of the owner, and the play area is even bound by limitations. This denial of freedom for the dog shows man's complex of "superiority dictates acceptance". The imprisonment of the dog is accepted because man feels he is superior, and the superior naturally rules the inferior (i.e. God reigns over mankind).
Luckily, I did not stop my pondering there. My next thoughts went something like this: Supervisors are superior to proletariat. Managers are superior to supervisors. And, executives are superior to managers. Being a member of the proletariat, I began to see myself as the dog; but not only within the limits of the workplace--in society. Much like the dog running to retrieve the newspaper or performing some new trick, the proletariat answers telephones, buys supplies, catches the ball, and sings the song for the superior (elite). The elite knows that the proletariat (commoner) does not know what true freedom truly is much in the way the dog being raised sub-servant to the man since birth doesn't know the freedom of the wild.
The idea of the elite/commoner does not solely exist in two parts. The roles exist in many varieties in the hierarchy mentioned above... manager/supervisor; manager/proletariat, executive/supervisor etc. The more one climbs the hierarchical ladder, the more "dogs" he is capable of controlling. Each of us have been preconditioned to believe their are lesser beings on the planet. In your youth, you were given ant farms, hampsters, goldfish, cats, and dogs whom lives you manipulated and controlled. Much like the animal abuser who becomes the serial killer, the "God" of the ant farm sets out on his quest to manipulate and control actual people for his own self-satisfaction only to be inadvertently subjected to the very power he seeks to obtain. Wake Up & Smell The B.S.