3:33 PM

Sarah Palin... The Progressive Woman Killer!

First, I would like to say that I noticed my first 2 blogs have to deal with death....that's not good...or is it. Second, how is the audience doing, here at Coup De Blog...we care!

Ok, I was watching the Sarah Palin resignation speech again to try and figure out what the hell she was trying to say. Still haven't got it yet. Then I turned my attention to the Rachel Maddow show, (she is a shinning star in the progressive woman movement, and guess what conservabots she's a lesbian). As you can watch..Rachel is on point, as she usually is.

Now a few things come to mind...

How the hell did this woman get this far? Are alaskians that stupid? If she is going to run for president, is she the example for the conservitive woman? As well as a few others...but that's for me and my "private" time. (HEHEHE)

I was listening to public radio, and this older journalist called in and ripped into Palin saying that she isn't as dumb as she makes her self out to be and she was close to destroying Alaska so it's good that she resigned and things like that. Why the hell would anyone vote for this idiot? Well she is attractive, she is a "Conservative"and she is way up there in Alaska where no one knew her name. I know some Alaskans and I'm pretty sure that they aren't stupid. So what is going on?

Good ol' John McCain. Gotta love that old fart. He sure had a plan during that 2008 election. Since Obama wasn't going to use his woman vote ace-in-the-hole Clinton, then I'm going to use mine!!! So he picks the dumbest female state executive of them all. There were plenty to choose from and almost all of them were Republicans. This chick gets up on that nation stage and shows her ass. This is how a conservative woman is supposed to behave? This chick don't even know what the Vice President is supposed to do, but she was almost in that billet.

So what does this say about women? Hey ladies...if you want to make it in life, use your looks and fake intelligence to propel yourself to the highest elected official in your state. Then act like you are ready to be an old man's mistress, I mean Vice President, but have no idea what the hell your talking about. Then after you lose, stay in the media's eye by complaining everyday about abuse because your the dumb one. Then quit your job for no reason. Then when you try to explain take a play from the "dub-ya" playbook and confuse the shit out of everyone. That is how a WOMAN succeeds in this country.

If that offended you, good, it was supposed to. If that is not your idea of progression for a woman then if you ever see Sarah Palin's name on a ballot or anyone like her....punch the ballot on the opposite side. You won't be wrong ....unless it's "dub-ya", fuck that guy.

~J-One Royal Fam

J.R. Junior Says...

For starters, the short story that won me 3rd place in my "county's" writing competition at the age of six would blow Little Miss Palin's mind apart. I think it's us as Americans who are too dumb to realize how dumb this lady actually is. Maybe, she is actually smart, but up to this point in history she hasn't made me want to recant my declaration. I've heard and read a lot from people claiming, to paraphrase, "She's just not your typical politician... using a bunch of fancy speech writers... Back in the day, we called it being plain spoken... Sarah Palin is just a normal woman who is plain spoken."

When Kanye West ranted, "George Bush doesn't care about Black people," that was being plain spoken. Palin is just plain STUPID. I don't need to give examples, because it is just that obvious to me, and should be to you too.

Maybe, it was her looks that catapulted her to some amazing peak high in the political arena--I don't think she's that great-looking, personally--but what happened to her could have happened to anyone, almost. If the Democratic nominee would have been a woman, we probably would have seen some sorry excuse for a Black man engaging in buffoonery for votes on the Republican side. If Sarah Palin is a good example of a "progressive" woman, Flavor Flav is a perfect example for becoming a successful Black man. So, all of you beautiful women out there, don't be like her. Learn. Take some time and read; not just romance novels either. Turn Your Page...

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